Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Domo Darko (Remastered 2009) - Domo-kun & Mad World from Donnie Darko

This Gary Jules cover has been very popular since I made this unofficial video for it back in 2003. The vid spread around virally a fair bit and Gary got to see it and liked it enough to put it on his website's front page for the rest of the year. Mad World was used as the trailer for Gears Of War, which probably took more money than Donnie Darko did and was maybe even seen by more people.

I've just gotten hold of high quality footage (originally it was just tiny VHS transfers from the internet) so I've been able to finally make Domo Darko as it was intended, in high quality. Although the fuzzy vids did add to the atmosphere I think.

Friday, 6 November 2009

m3tatweening Phase 3 & 4 combined - collaborative stream of consciousness animation

M3tatweening Phase 3 & 4 combined HQ version (B3ta stream of consciousness) from Fnordinary on Vimeo.

This is a project I did in 2003 where I wanted to use keyframes as a start/finish point and let many people, independently, animate freely between them so they could be all joined up and produce a continuous stream of consciousness. Phase 1 and 2 went very well and people having seen them were very keen to get involved, so it inspired them to really stretch their creativity and produce the best segment they each could.

You will see how, as the video moves to Phase 4, the added inspiration from 3 pushes things even further.

This was designed to be watched at 720 x 576 but since it was made in 2003 it was only available in lesser versions really until now for streaming and mass viewing.

The original page with all the details of the project are here